.... I really miss to do long typing on you. But somehow broken heart lose your spirit to write. Will be back later with better mood.
See ya~
PS: LOTS photos to post. Slow connection. Bad mood. You just have to wait x_x
PSS on 2011: I promise no more post about myself since this post. Purely and strictly food only ;p
May 28, 2010
May 13, 2010
Guess what?? First company that I applied, the company which provide my dream job, CALLED ME! Today. This afternoon! For interview!! For the job I applied!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Teeeeeheeeeeeee~
I already gave up on that position though. Since I applied on mid April and most of my friends there said that limit for being called for interview is one week or two weeks. But now is a month already! And I'm innnn!! Well not really in though. But I'm so optimistic will pass ;p
Butttttt (free to read as but or butt), screw my life. Daddy's coming tomorrow causes me can't come to the interview!!!!!! W T F ~ !
That company doesn't have future. That company will torture you. That company etc. etc. etc. blah blah blah~!!
Then where in the hell should I work?????
Geez.. even when I reach work life they have to still control me? Saying that they could provide better work field for me. With trashy reason "for your own good" ??!? Yeah DON'T WANT. Thanks!
Hiks.. want to come on Friday T_T I really want to work. God~ ....
Enough with that then.
Uploading new snack pictures!! :)
Bought on Hypermart. Haven't tried them just found out that those stuff are cute and I thought would have cute taste as well. (wth haha.. :p)
That first picture, the super an pan man or whatever you name it, is strawberry flavored chocolate from Japan. Small size come with expensive price. So curious on the taste but don't have lazy time to enjoy it. Kinda not really willing to eat because if I eat then the cute appearance will disappear. *so not important; slap myself*
Second picture is Picco. Maybe another friend of Pocky? O.o I've tried this Picco once but not with this strawberry taste. The one I've tasted is vanilla flavor. Hopefully this one will be as good as the vanilla :D
Third picture is Oreo with Blueberry Ice Cream filling O_O scary eh? haha.. want to rip the wrapppp. But I thought mom says it's for brother --a then why should she buy it with me then? --a confuse..
Fourth picture is chocolate from Cadburry with Almond Praline filling. Should be good as well ;)
This is a picture of another snack. Traditional snack with no proper name. My family has its own name to say it but my friends could be mentioning it as another name --'
Bought on Foodmart Gourmet on Childhood section @_@ hoping taste will still be the same as it's tasted when I was a child.
About food menu I only have one picture x_x

I already gave up on that position though. Since I applied on mid April and most of my friends there said that limit for being called for interview is one week or two weeks. But now is a month already! And I'm innnn!! Well not really in though. But I'm so optimistic will pass ;p
Butttttt (free to read as but or butt), screw my life. Daddy's coming tomorrow causes me can't come to the interview!!!!!! W T F ~ !
That company doesn't have future. That company will torture you. That company etc. etc. etc. blah blah blah~!!
Then where in the hell should I work?????
Geez.. even when I reach work life they have to still control me? Saying that they could provide better work field for me. With trashy reason "for your own good" ??!? Yeah DON'T WANT. Thanks!
Hiks.. want to come on Friday T_T I really want to work. God~ ....
Enough with that then.
Uploading new snack pictures!! :)
Bought on Hypermart. Haven't tried them just found out that those stuff are cute and I thought would have cute taste as well. (wth haha.. :p)
That first picture, the super an pan man or whatever you name it, is strawberry flavored chocolate from Japan. Small size come with expensive price. So curious on the taste but don't have lazy time to enjoy it. Kinda not really willing to eat because if I eat then the cute appearance will disappear. *so not important; slap myself*
Second picture is Picco. Maybe another friend of Pocky? O.o I've tried this Picco once but not with this strawberry taste. The one I've tasted is vanilla flavor. Hopefully this one will be as good as the vanilla :D
Third picture is Oreo with Blueberry Ice Cream filling O_O scary eh? haha.. want to rip the wrapppp. But I thought mom says it's for brother --a then why should she buy it with me then? --a confuse..
Fourth picture is chocolate from Cadburry with Almond Praline filling. Should be good as well ;)
This is a picture of another snack. Traditional snack with no proper name. My family has its own name to say it but my friends could be mentioning it as another name --'
Bought on Foodmart Gourmet on Childhood section @_@ hoping taste will still be the same as it's tasted when I was a child.
It's when I had dinner at Platinum before I went to buy those stuff above ;p
I ate Chicken with Kangkung Hotplate there. Though my mom says it should be named as Kangkong with Chicken instead because there's a lot of kangkong there but there were only about 5 slices of chicken LOL. (with 2 cute small eggs; quail eggs)
This is the picture.

Well then, seems like I gotta close this post because no more photos to post x_x
Nitey~ :)
May 07, 2010
Quick Updates
Being such a bird in cage since mom came here and decided to stay with me!!
Can't go anywhere, can't have a date, can't try the new Blitz Megaplex on Central Park last week. Sucks.
Til now I haven't watched Iron Man 2 yet. Tragic.
My boy, bro, sis and 3 other friends are in Singapore. Right at this second, while I'm typing, they are in Universal Studio. Apparently they are in madness of Roller Coaster now from text message I got from them just now =.=. I'm so losing energy on being envious. I've been super envious til I have no more energy left to keep envious. *stress typing*
So yeah.. since my mom is here. One good thing is every night, we eat outside instead of eating home cooking dinner or delivery services. But there's only 1 good thing. The other is only bad things. 2 company called me for interview for the job I applied and I can't go because she forbid me. GAH!
I guess I will just post some pictures on me had dinner in here. Karawaci is not so good in culinary life though. I still super curious about Nuzzy's at Central Park. SOMEBODY TAKE ME THERE~!
This is Po Ma Nee durian. (if I'm not mistaken the name --a)
I got this from mom when at the second night she's here. This is the sweetest durian I've ever tasted!
And I dedicated this picture to my boy who's been longing for durian for long time but didn't get it until now :p
*or he might be will enjoy durian tonight with bro.. damn heartache..*
The next day after this picture's taken, mom bought one more package of this durian, at the same place, but with lower price. But it's just yuck. So my suggestion will be, don't buy discounted durian at Lippo Karawaci. Seriously.
Then we had dinner the next day at Serba Food, Benton Junction. Mom was interested in the brochure stated that all food in there wasn't using MSG. Yeah oldies do care with that stuff.
We ordered Nasi Goreng Telur Asin (Salted Egg Fried Rice) and Mee Goreng Malaysia (Malaysian Fried Noodle). The fried rice is super average. Mostly plain only salt when you bite the egg part. I had to add additional chili sauce to the rice =.= The fried noodle is nice! It's tasty and a little spicy. Actually Malaysian Fried Noodle is the recommended menu at that place :)
For drink, mom's having Strawberry Flavor Tea. While I was having Strawberry Tea Shake. (is that the name? --a) I didn't take picture of mom's beverage since it looks like a tea. ==a
But mine is lovely!!!!!! I love how it tastes but I don't know what the maker put on that tea. I want the recipe!!! x_x My guess is tea, strawberry, milk, and ice cube :)) haha.. of course -_____-
For the dessert, we continued journey to Supermall to have Sour Sally. Guess what. Sally Candy Mix hasn't available on Karawaci. Until now!!!!
I've been eating Sally Candy @ Jakarta from last month. How can it hasn't arrived in here?
So mom and I just had Stylish Melon Mint instead. As information, since mom came from my hometown which doesn't have Sour Sally there, she's so addicted to Sour Sally and can eat that everyday. O M G ~
She even love it more after Sally developed this Melon Mint flavor.
As usual I had Mango and Banana toping =D
The next next day, mom was having laziness to cook and I have laziness to go out as well so I decided to make instan noodle -____-
I bought the new taste Curry-something. Forgot :)) haha.. pardon.
And I don't like!! 4 hours after eating the spice taste still left on my throat. Pain pain pain!! So deep taste of curry spice. Don't like T.T
Funny thing is the noodle is plain but the water is super red and spicy. Why do I think everything I eat has something confusing? @_@
Beside the noodle is my crazy writing paper hehe.. *not important detail =.=*
The night, exactly last night, I had dinner at T-Grill, Benton Junction.
I had T-Grill Tenderloin and Strawberry Milkshake, mom's having Mushroom Soup and Orange Juice. Only take a picture of Strawberry Milkshake because not interested at the design of the other. The menu of the night was actually Mushroom Soup with its Garlic Bread. But it's an appetizer and I've been really hungry. So yea.. you know me.. forget to take picture -.-
This is Strawberry Milkshake's pic.
Tastes more strawberry than milk :) enjoyable for everybody!
Anyway mom's getting annoying. Start to peek out what I wrote. iHate!
Gotta close this post soon. See ya~ :)
Can't go anywhere, can't have a date, can't try the new Blitz Megaplex on Central Park last week. Sucks.
Til now I haven't watched Iron Man 2 yet. Tragic.
My boy, bro, sis and 3 other friends are in Singapore. Right at this second, while I'm typing, they are in Universal Studio. Apparently they are in madness of Roller Coaster now from text message I got from them just now =.=. I'm so losing energy on being envious. I've been super envious til I have no more energy left to keep envious. *stress typing*
So yeah.. since my mom is here. One good thing is every night, we eat outside instead of eating home cooking dinner or delivery services. But there's only 1 good thing. The other is only bad things. 2 company called me for interview for the job I applied and I can't go because she forbid me. GAH!
I guess I will just post some pictures on me had dinner in here. Karawaci is not so good in culinary life though. I still super curious about Nuzzy's at Central Park. SOMEBODY TAKE ME THERE~!
This is Po Ma Nee durian. (if I'm not mistaken the name --a)
I got this from mom when at the second night she's here. This is the sweetest durian I've ever tasted!
And I dedicated this picture to my boy who's been longing for durian for long time but didn't get it until now :p
*or he might be will enjoy durian tonight with bro.. damn heartache..*
The next day after this picture's taken, mom bought one more package of this durian, at the same place, but with lower price. But it's just yuck. So my suggestion will be, don't buy discounted durian at Lippo Karawaci. Seriously.
Then we had dinner the next day at Serba Food, Benton Junction. Mom was interested in the brochure stated that all food in there wasn't using MSG. Yeah oldies do care with that stuff.
We ordered Nasi Goreng Telur Asin (Salted Egg Fried Rice) and Mee Goreng Malaysia (Malaysian Fried Noodle). The fried rice is super average. Mostly plain only salt when you bite the egg part. I had to add additional chili sauce to the rice =.= The fried noodle is nice! It's tasty and a little spicy. Actually Malaysian Fried Noodle is the recommended menu at that place :)
For drink, mom's having Strawberry Flavor Tea. While I was having Strawberry Tea Shake. (is that the name? --a) I didn't take picture of mom's beverage since it looks like a tea. ==a
But mine is lovely!!!!!! I love how it tastes but I don't know what the maker put on that tea. I want the recipe!!! x_x My guess is tea, strawberry, milk, and ice cube :)) haha.. of course -_____-
For the dessert, we continued journey to Supermall to have Sour Sally. Guess what. Sally Candy Mix hasn't available on Karawaci. Until now!!!!
I've been eating Sally Candy @ Jakarta from last month. How can it hasn't arrived in here?
So mom and I just had Stylish Melon Mint instead. As information, since mom came from my hometown which doesn't have Sour Sally there, she's so addicted to Sour Sally and can eat that everyday. O M G ~
She even love it more after Sally developed this Melon Mint flavor.
As usual I had Mango and Banana toping =D
The next next day, mom was having laziness to cook and I have laziness to go out as well so I decided to make instan noodle -____-
I bought the new taste Curry-something. Forgot :)) haha.. pardon.
And I don't like!! 4 hours after eating the spice taste still left on my throat. Pain pain pain!! So deep taste of curry spice. Don't like T.T
Funny thing is the noodle is plain but the water is super red and spicy. Why do I think everything I eat has something confusing? @_@
Beside the noodle is my crazy writing paper hehe.. *not important detail =.=*
The night, exactly last night, I had dinner at T-Grill, Benton Junction.
I had T-Grill Tenderloin and Strawberry Milkshake, mom's having Mushroom Soup and Orange Juice. Only take a picture of Strawberry Milkshake because not interested at the design of the other. The menu of the night was actually Mushroom Soup with its Garlic Bread. But it's an appetizer and I've been really hungry. So yea.. you know me.. forget to take picture -.-
This is Strawberry Milkshake's pic.
Tastes more strawberry than milk :) enjoyable for everybody!
Anyway mom's getting annoying. Start to peek out what I wrote. iHate!
Gotta close this post soon. See ya~ :)
Chinese Food,
Sour Sally,
April 22, 2010
Review Review Review :D
I guess on the last post I was just too busy to publish the photos causing lack of review, isn't it? x_x
So sorry.. On my defends it was past midnight and I'm so tired hehe..
I'll make up on this post :)
In short, I would rate Jala-Jala as 8.5 out of 10. Why?
1. Leng Hong Kien, as everyone's agreed was the best dish ever.
2. Shrimp Balls, um.. not really nice though. The fried flour outside the shrimp kinda plain and felt quite weird on tongue.
3. Ha Kao, was just okay. The inside filling is 100% similar with Leng Hong Kien. Maybe that's also our fault of ordering most of all DimSum made of shrimp. But the dumpling skin for Ha Kao is also a little bit too dry.
4. Corn and Crab Soup, simply plain as I mentioned on last post. But nice thing is you can eat with no boundaries. While boundaries here I mean is the crab shell. Jala-Jala's Crab Soup is free of crab shell. Good thing! :)
5. Garlic Pachoi, nice but nothing special.
6. Beef Hotplate, tastes exactly like Black Pepper Beef. I don't know maybe they got wrong naming or what.
7. Xiao Long Bao, good! (do not eat the ginger LOL)
8. Jelly, I just try to cut it not tasted it haha..
9. Lime Juice, my beverage that night. Tastes just exactly a plain Lime Juice haha.. I don't know that's a good thing or not :p
For Pancious, I only tried 1 menu since I came there 30 minutes before they closed --'
The pancake's so smooth and not tastes so plain. I've ever ate Australian Breakfast Pancake Set (or whatsoever the name) on Pancake Parlour. But the pancakes were super plain!
Pancious' really a fresh wind for me. For that Mango Pancake menu, I would say 9 out of 10. The mango sauce quite weird. But I don't hesitate at all to come back there again and crazily eat more than 2 menus :p
Enough about last post. Let's talk about today :D
Today, I accompany my boy (again) to meet new business partner at Citraland. They were agreed to meet at Dunkin' Donuts.
Dunkin' Donuts is the first Donuts store in Indonesia. Though it's originally from Massachusetts, America *famous as international coffee and donuts retailer*. When I was a toddler (about 1990's), this donut store is the only one in Indonesia. Specifically only have few stores in capital city, Jakarta. It's like an exclusive thing to buy donut at that time. But nowadays many Indonesian's entrepreneurs have bought other donut store's franchise and bring them to Indonesia. Some entrepreneur even make they own donut originally made in Indonesia, which is good thing actually.
Back to topic.
To be honest, today was my first experience to eat inside the donut store. If I do take-away donuts, that would be uncountable. But to sit on the store and enjoy other product besides donut, that is today.
The partner said that he will be late for about half an hour. And I don't have my lunch, had a quite disturbance on my phone and on mind so that I can't do delivery service to order food.
Then my boy offered me to have dinner first before the partner came. Assuming that the partner would not be late for too long, we canceled our first plan to have Kin No Taki for dinner. It's so not polite if the partner came then we still have our dinner. So along with waiting, why don't just we eat at Dunkin'?
Then I ordered Sandwich 1 set. Consists of 1 Sandwich of your choice and 1 Orange Juice; costs about Rp 31,900.00. My choice was Boston Beef Pastrami.
My boy ordered 2 donuts. (DPCB and Peanut)
Total payment was 40k something. Makes my boy unable to use his debit card. Haha..
The cashier offered him to buy one more thing to make the payment 50k so that he could use his debit card. (he always forget to take cash wherever we go --a)
He was about to choose one more chocolate donut while I jumped beside him to order my all-time favorite, STRAWBERRYYYYY!!
Funny thing is when blog this, I spend more than 15 minutes to find the picture of that Strawberry donut. It's even not listed on official Dunkin' Donuts website (both Indonesia and America). Confuse now.
I ate the simplest Strawberry donut. The one that I've always been eating since I was very young --a Why can't I find the picture?
Even when I Googled it on images.google.com it still can't be found. Super confuse.
So my Strawberry donut made the payment Rp 51,400.00. Yay the debit card could be used LOL.
Then I ate the Sandwich first. It consists of lots onion, 1 or 2 slice of tomatoes, that beef pastrami itself, unique Boston bread, sauce which I think supposed to be mayo sauce but doesn't really tastes so LOL, slice of cheese and lots lettuces. Completed with 2 sachets of chili sauce. YUMMY!
But I guess one part of that sandwich contains too much MSG. Because my throat feel like a weird dry until now. Maybe those MSG made the yummyness of the sandwich?
After I finished my sandwich, I continued with my strawberry donuts n_n
My boy looked at me and say, "Such a predator O_O"
Hoho thanks.. you'll be married this predator man.. *kicked*
About the donut, it suprisingly has the steady taste. On my sense, it's always the same taste since I was a child.
About peanut I never liked it. And my boy reviewed to me that DCPB has nicer taste than the peanut. Not surprise. I hate peanut.
After we finished eating, the partner still hasn't come yet @_@
Then we saw a clearance sale on King Rabbit *a bedcover store* then we decided to buy one. We do need it though ;)
The bedcover has nice pattern. Stripes on one side. And dots on the other side. In case you get bored you can use the other side to sleep (even though you feel nothing but the same --a but it is cutee :D).
I can't choose the pattern too cute though. My boy will complain ;( But this one is nice isn't it? :D
I've always been using this small brand since I live with parents until now I live alone :) recommended one because of lots choices of pattern and good quality of the fiber.
Well I guess that's all I can write for now. Gotta find the mystery why that lovely Strawberry donut isn't anywhere on the web. Hope you like my post! :) Good night~
So sorry.. On my defends it was past midnight and I'm so tired hehe..
I'll make up on this post :)
In short, I would rate Jala-Jala as 8.5 out of 10. Why?
1. Leng Hong Kien, as everyone's agreed was the best dish ever.
2. Shrimp Balls, um.. not really nice though. The fried flour outside the shrimp kinda plain and felt quite weird on tongue.
3. Ha Kao, was just okay. The inside filling is 100% similar with Leng Hong Kien. Maybe that's also our fault of ordering most of all DimSum made of shrimp. But the dumpling skin for Ha Kao is also a little bit too dry.
4. Corn and Crab Soup, simply plain as I mentioned on last post. But nice thing is you can eat with no boundaries. While boundaries here I mean is the crab shell. Jala-Jala's Crab Soup is free of crab shell. Good thing! :)
5. Garlic Pachoi, nice but nothing special.
6. Beef Hotplate, tastes exactly like Black Pepper Beef. I don't know maybe they got wrong naming or what.
7. Xiao Long Bao, good! (do not eat the ginger LOL)
8. Jelly, I just try to cut it not tasted it haha..
9. Lime Juice, my beverage that night. Tastes just exactly a plain Lime Juice haha.. I don't know that's a good thing or not :p
For Pancious, I only tried 1 menu since I came there 30 minutes before they closed --'
The pancake's so smooth and not tastes so plain. I've ever ate Australian Breakfast Pancake Set (or whatsoever the name) on Pancake Parlour. But the pancakes were super plain!
Pancious' really a fresh wind for me. For that Mango Pancake menu, I would say 9 out of 10. The mango sauce quite weird. But I don't hesitate at all to come back there again and crazily eat more than 2 menus :p
Enough about last post. Let's talk about today :D
Today, I accompany my boy (again) to meet new business partner at Citraland. They were agreed to meet at Dunkin' Donuts.
Dunkin' Donuts is the first Donuts store in Indonesia. Though it's originally from Massachusetts, America *famous as international coffee and donuts retailer*. When I was a toddler (about 1990's), this donut store is the only one in Indonesia. Specifically only have few stores in capital city, Jakarta. It's like an exclusive thing to buy donut at that time. But nowadays many Indonesian's entrepreneurs have bought other donut store's franchise and bring them to Indonesia. Some entrepreneur even make they own donut originally made in Indonesia, which is good thing actually.
Back to topic.
To be honest, today was my first experience to eat inside the donut store. If I do take-away donuts, that would be uncountable. But to sit on the store and enjoy other product besides donut, that is today.
The partner said that he will be late for about half an hour. And I don't have my lunch, had a quite disturbance on my phone and on mind so that I can't do delivery service to order food.
Then my boy offered me to have dinner first before the partner came. Assuming that the partner would not be late for too long, we canceled our first plan to have Kin No Taki for dinner. It's so not polite if the partner came then we still have our dinner. So along with waiting, why don't just we eat at Dunkin'?
Then I ordered Sandwich 1 set. Consists of 1 Sandwich of your choice and 1 Orange Juice; costs about Rp 31,900.00. My choice was Boston Beef Pastrami.
-forget to take pic x_x this is the picture from Indonesia Dunkin' Donuts official website-
My boy ordered 2 donuts. (DPCB and Peanut)
Total payment was 40k something. Makes my boy unable to use his debit card. Haha..
The cashier offered him to buy one more thing to make the payment 50k so that he could use his debit card. (he always forget to take cash wherever we go --a)
He was about to choose one more chocolate donut while I jumped beside him to order my all-time favorite, STRAWBERRYYYYY!!
Funny thing is when blog this, I spend more than 15 minutes to find the picture of that Strawberry donut. It's even not listed on official Dunkin' Donuts website (both Indonesia and America). Confuse now.
I ate the simplest Strawberry donut. The one that I've always been eating since I was very young --a Why can't I find the picture?
Even when I Googled it on images.google.com it still can't be found. Super confuse.
So my Strawberry donut made the payment Rp 51,400.00. Yay the debit card could be used LOL.
Then I ate the Sandwich first. It consists of lots onion, 1 or 2 slice of tomatoes, that beef pastrami itself, unique Boston bread, sauce which I think supposed to be mayo sauce but doesn't really tastes so LOL, slice of cheese and lots lettuces. Completed with 2 sachets of chili sauce. YUMMY!
But I guess one part of that sandwich contains too much MSG. Because my throat feel like a weird dry until now. Maybe those MSG made the yummyness of the sandwich?
After I finished my sandwich, I continued with my strawberry donuts n_n
My boy looked at me and say, "Such a predator O_O"
Hoho thanks.. you'll be married this predator man.. *kicked*
About the donut, it suprisingly has the steady taste. On my sense, it's always the same taste since I was a child.
About peanut I never liked it. And my boy reviewed to me that DCPB has nicer taste than the peanut. Not surprise. I hate peanut.
After we finished eating, the partner still hasn't come yet @_@
Then we saw a clearance sale on King Rabbit *a bedcover store* then we decided to buy one. We do need it though ;)
The bedcover has nice pattern. Stripes on one side. And dots on the other side. In case you get bored you can use the other side to sleep (even though you feel nothing but the same --a but it is cutee :D).
I can't choose the pattern too cute though. My boy will complain ;( But this one is nice isn't it? :D
I've always been using this small brand since I live with parents until now I live alone :) recommended one because of lots choices of pattern and good quality of the fiber.
Well I guess that's all I can write for now. Gotta find the mystery why that lovely Strawberry donut isn't anywhere on the web. Hope you like my post! :) Good night~
Chinese Food,
Dunkin' Donuts,
April 19, 2010
Weekend :D
I should start writing but I just sit in front of my laptop thinking of where I should start x_x
Okay.. so yesterday was Saturday. Which could be big day for most couples in the world :p Me and my boy went to La Piazza Kelapa Gading. I don't like Kelapa Gading though. First of all it's far from where we live. Secondly, I only have few friends & relatives who lives in there so I really have no idea about food on there. But we have to go there :( because my boy needs to meet one of his client for work in there. I have no choice than to follow him up :(
One thing that boosted my mood was when we entered Kelapa Gading street, I saw The Harvest on the left side of the street. Yes!! THAT Harvest on my food wish listtt!! I literally smacked my boy's head and said, "I found Harvest! I found Harvest!! Look at the left!!!!"
And he gave me standard reaction, "Hooo~"
Then we arrived at La Piazza, he texted his client to ask where to meet. And his client replied, Coffee Corner. Okay what the heck is that? Never heard, never been there.
So as most guy will do, my boy asked the Information Center. And it is right beside where we asked --' why does that happen all the time ~_~
His client hasn't arrived yet. And that Coffee Corner located just wall to wall with SOUR SALLY! Haha.. so I asked him again to buy me Sour Sally. I still want the Candy Mix though. But the store in La Piazza has incomplete topping. When I took a look at the topping choices, there's no Mochi Mix, no mango, no banana, etc. So many empty slots of topping. So I bought Cheerz Bite instead. Cheers Bite's launched at February 14th, 2010 in the celebration of Valentine's Day but I never tried one yet :p
There are 2 choices of Cheerz Bite: Strawberry Cheese and Chocolate Mint (?) I forget the Chocolate's name because I ate the Strawberry Cheese. Haha sowwwyyy~ u_u
Sour Sally Cheerz Bite costs Rp 35,000.00. Quite expensive for small size of the cake x_x
But I guess what makes the cake that set the prize.
Tadaaa~ this is the cake. This is small. Don't be fooled LOL :p The white one is the cheesecake topped with white chocolate colored pink which is too sweet, which I don't like but I still ate since it's white chocolate. Whatever.
Beside the cake there's an edible decoration; strawberry and drops of strawberry jam. You can only have it if you do dine-in. If you do take-away the cake you only get cake inside the box. Plus spoon maybe. I find the strawberry helpful though. I ate the cheesecake slowly and it has a very solid cheesecake causing a little nauseated *in a good way still i love cheese haha* But to handle the nausea still I need the slice of the strawberry to neutralize that feeling. Then I can eat the cake again. It's yummy~!
Here's the cake after half eaten by me hoho :p
That's the cake with the frozen strawberry yoghurt probably? I can't really determine what's actually inside the cake. Below the pinky one there's one layer of cheese cream then meet the cake again. Go try yourself kay? :p
After eating the cake, I wait like an idiot on Coffee Corner while my boy worked with his client on the client's laptop. I was just Twitter-ing like stupid yesterday. If you see a jobless girl on Coffee Corner on Saturday night, it's totally me ;(
After 2 hours of jobless waiting *God I'm such a faithful girlfriend HAHA* he finally finished working and we both were so hungry and started thinking where we should eat. I have no idea about what to eat in La Piazza. Well I'm kinda interested on one of Seafood restaurant but my boy hates eating seafood for some reasons --a not allergic but he just hates. *boy, if you read this you're weirdo :p*
I want to have a proper dinner of course. But La Piazza seems can't provide it. Plus I use jacket there and all La Piazza's food places is outside dinning and without air-con which would cause me stuck in sweat. No way.
So we crossed to Mall Kelapa Gading. And guess what. It's damn CROWDED. All restaurant must do waiting list first. Wtffffffff x_x It's 8 PM already. I thought everybody has finished eating by that time. Scary queue.
Then I saw Ajisen Ramen. I'm interested. But some naughty voices inside my heart and my mind and also my fussy tummy screams of WESTERN FOOD! WESTERN FOOD!
So I passed Ajisen though I want it. I've just eaten Ajisen once in my whole life!! Surprising fact ;p
Then we walk again. Round and round and round the mall until my boy saw a banner of Pork Lamien on Ce Wei. He wants it. It's a Chinese Food restaurant. Oh no... I want Western TT______________________TT
But if we walk again, I could probably be hit by my maag so no other choices. Let's eat there x_x
I ordered Marinated Jellyfish with Lemon Grass as appetizer. I also want Char Siew Pao. Been longing for Bapao for a week but still haven't got them until this second. But the waiter there was soooooo annoying like sticking on your nose while you still do choosing the menu. God I hate them. So I can't concentrate on the menu plus my boy seems so ignorant and only choose his menu and not helping me at all. I went mad. So I just order lousy Char Siew Rice or wtf I don't even bother to remember. Then I ate with anger. Boyfriend still not aware of his fault until the end of the dinner. He asked me then whether I would continue to The Harvest to eat cake or not. I said I'm not in the mood. He said ok. STUPID BOYFRIEND. Why should he ask?? He can just take me there and order a cake for me!! That would bring smile back to my face. Grrrr grrrr~ *grumble*
So without having Bapao or Cake, we went home =( one bad day. *sigh*
April 18th, 2010 (still counted as today 14 minutes ago -.-)
Waking up at 3 PM. So piggy. Then ate instan noodle (again). Well I was thinking of having a lunch that's why I just ate instan noodle. But apparently, me and my guy were just too busy with each other's laptop so we didn't have lunch. Great isn't it? ~_~
At 6 PM got text message from his gayfriend. *ups* My boy's bestfriend LOL (called as bro to ease the reading and writing progress :D). Asking whether we want to join he and his girlfriend (called as sis for the rest of the story) to eat Medan Cuisine at Mall Taman Anggek. I just want to scream when read that message. When can I get my western dining aaaaargggggghhhhh!!!!!!! Medan Cuisine is Chinese Food AGAIN. Yesterday I was just having big fight with my guy because of stupid Chinese Food. So I said I don't want to join them unless they had another choices. I was thinking about Pancake Pancious but bro said Pancious won't make he full. Ah guy.. But I was so hungry too. When he said it's not gonna fulfill the tummy well then ya follow them to eat the Medan Cuisine then.
The restaurant named Jala-Jala. It's located on very ground floor on Mall Taman Anggrek between Ta Wan and Hero store. The restaurant has good service. But it's kinda little annoying and confusing where the waiters keep coming and asking whether you want this choices of DimSum or not. Then we choose. Then the other came back with another choices. Omg~ so hard for us to concentrate on the menu --'
We have a Medan friend who recommend this restaurant to bro. He texted bro the recommended menu in that restaurant and it's all made of shrimp. LOL.
Our first choice is Leng Hong Kien. Leng Hong Kien is a Shrimp with Mayonaise. I don't know how this one cooked but we all agree that this is the most delicious menu of the night :p
Second Dim Sum is Shrimp Balls.
Apparently is the same with Leng Hong Kien but Shrimp Balls is fried with some kind of flour while Leng Hong Kien is not. This is the picture of Shrimp Balls after being cut with scissor by the waitress o.O
Next we had Ha Kao. This is also made of shrimp (again). But this one's covered with dumpling skins. We ordered this one 2 portion. I don't know why. Bro did the ordering.
Next again, me and sis having Corn and Crab Soup. While our boys just stealing from us the girls. This one got bad review from me. It's not saltyyyy. Not salty at all even can be said as plain. So I asked the waitress for salty Soy Sauce. Good thing it really changed how it taste totally :)
Then we came to the main menu. Bro's ordering Peking Duck Rice. (I forgot to take the pic!!!!!!!!!) Sis still eating the soup. Me and my boy were having rice with Garlic Pachoi and Beef Hotplate.(ah my salty soy sauce is on the photos also LOL. Photos taken by my boy :D)
Then at the middle of us eating, the last DimSum showed up. I even forgot that I've ordered those hehe.. That's Xiao Long Bao. A dumpling with unique technique of eating. First you bite the dumpling skin. Suck the liquid inside. Then put some ginger. Voila~! Eat the Bao. But just skip the ginger part. I hate how it tastes when you eat plainly like that.
Ah.. feeling so full. In a good way though. It's not disappointing dinner that I had last night. Though I still want Western Food ~_~ But this Chinese Food could make me smile. Good Medan friend recommend this LOL. I've thought of having dessert on Pancake Pancious. So I don't order any dessert from Jala-Jala. A waitress asked whether we want to have Durian Pancake or not. Sounds interesting and looked interesting. But no. Still on the track. Pancios. Sis did ordered dessert on Jala-Jala. She ordered Jelly. Colorful one and made us laugh when cutting them. Seriously one of them was so elastic or chewy that's just so 'boing boing' when you cut them. Probably because they had Nata de Coco inside.
After that we paid then directly headed to Pancake Pancious before it's closed x_x When my boy asked how much was our payment. Sis refused to be paid. She said it's her birthday treat. (but all paid by bro though haha..) Happy birthday and thank you sis ^_^ (PS: her birthday has passed more than a week :p)
At Pancious, I ordered single Mango Pancake topped with Vanilla Ice Cream.
While sis ordered Premium Tea Alexandria. She said it tastes like Pepsodent. LOL. It did smell like Pepsodent though haha...
But the glass to serve the tea is UBERCUTE!!! I must have that glass for my future house!!! Love it!!!! x)
Yay.. that's the end of food journey for the weekend :)
God it takes an hour and half to finish this post @_@ but it's a fun day I had today. Hope all of you have a great day also. Good night people :)
Special thanks to: my boy, bro and sis who's super excited to remind me to take picture ♥ :p
Okay.. so yesterday was Saturday. Which could be big day for most couples in the world :p Me and my boy went to La Piazza Kelapa Gading. I don't like Kelapa Gading though. First of all it's far from where we live. Secondly, I only have few friends & relatives who lives in there so I really have no idea about food on there. But we have to go there :( because my boy needs to meet one of his client for work in there. I have no choice than to follow him up :(
One thing that boosted my mood was when we entered Kelapa Gading street, I saw The Harvest on the left side of the street. Yes!! THAT Harvest on my food wish listtt!! I literally smacked my boy's head and said, "I found Harvest! I found Harvest!! Look at the left!!!!"
And he gave me standard reaction, "Hooo~"
Then we arrived at La Piazza, he texted his client to ask where to meet. And his client replied, Coffee Corner. Okay what the heck is that? Never heard, never been there.
So as most guy will do, my boy asked the Information Center. And it is right beside where we asked --' why does that happen all the time ~_~
His client hasn't arrived yet. And that Coffee Corner located just wall to wall with SOUR SALLY! Haha.. so I asked him again to buy me Sour Sally. I still want the Candy Mix though. But the store in La Piazza has incomplete topping. When I took a look at the topping choices, there's no Mochi Mix, no mango, no banana, etc. So many empty slots of topping. So I bought Cheerz Bite instead. Cheers Bite's launched at February 14th, 2010 in the celebration of Valentine's Day but I never tried one yet :p
There are 2 choices of Cheerz Bite: Strawberry Cheese and Chocolate Mint (?) I forget the Chocolate's name because I ate the Strawberry Cheese. Haha sowwwyyy~ u_u
Sour Sally Cheerz Bite costs Rp 35,000.00. Quite expensive for small size of the cake x_x
But I guess what makes the cake that set the prize.
Tadaaa~ this is the cake. This is small. Don't be fooled LOL :p The white one is the cheesecake topped with white chocolate colored pink which is too sweet, which I don't like but I still ate since it's white chocolate. Whatever.
Beside the cake there's an edible decoration; strawberry and drops of strawberry jam. You can only have it if you do dine-in. If you do take-away the cake you only get cake inside the box. Plus spoon maybe. I find the strawberry helpful though. I ate the cheesecake slowly and it has a very solid cheesecake causing a little nauseated *in a good way still i love cheese haha* But to handle the nausea still I need the slice of the strawberry to neutralize that feeling. Then I can eat the cake again. It's yummy~!
Here's the cake after half eaten by me hoho :p
That's the cake with the frozen strawberry yoghurt probably? I can't really determine what's actually inside the cake. Below the pinky one there's one layer of cheese cream then meet the cake again. Go try yourself kay? :p
After eating the cake, I wait like an idiot on Coffee Corner while my boy worked with his client on the client's laptop. I was just Twitter-ing like stupid yesterday. If you see a jobless girl on Coffee Corner on Saturday night, it's totally me ;(
-autism taking picture of nothing-
After 2 hours of jobless waiting *God I'm such a faithful girlfriend HAHA* he finally finished working and we both were so hungry and started thinking where we should eat. I have no idea about what to eat in La Piazza. Well I'm kinda interested on one of Seafood restaurant but my boy hates eating seafood for some reasons --a not allergic but he just hates. *boy, if you read this you're weirdo :p*
I want to have a proper dinner of course. But La Piazza seems can't provide it. Plus I use jacket there and all La Piazza's food places is outside dinning and without air-con which would cause me stuck in sweat. No way.
So we crossed to Mall Kelapa Gading. And guess what. It's damn CROWDED. All restaurant must do waiting list first. Wtffffffff x_x It's 8 PM already. I thought everybody has finished eating by that time. Scary queue.
Then I saw Ajisen Ramen. I'm interested. But some naughty voices inside my heart and my mind and also my fussy tummy screams of WESTERN FOOD! WESTERN FOOD!
So I passed Ajisen though I want it. I've just eaten Ajisen once in my whole life!! Surprising fact ;p
Then we walk again. Round and round and round the mall until my boy saw a banner of Pork Lamien on Ce Wei. He wants it. It's a Chinese Food restaurant. Oh no... I want Western TT______________________TT
But if we walk again, I could probably be hit by my maag so no other choices. Let's eat there x_x
I ordered Marinated Jellyfish with Lemon Grass as appetizer. I also want Char Siew Pao. Been longing for Bapao for a week but still haven't got them until this second. But the waiter there was soooooo annoying like sticking on your nose while you still do choosing the menu. God I hate them. So I can't concentrate on the menu plus my boy seems so ignorant and only choose his menu and not helping me at all. I went mad. So I just order lousy Char Siew Rice or wtf I don't even bother to remember. Then I ate with anger. Boyfriend still not aware of his fault until the end of the dinner. He asked me then whether I would continue to The Harvest to eat cake or not. I said I'm not in the mood. He said ok. STUPID BOYFRIEND. Why should he ask?? He can just take me there and order a cake for me!! That would bring smile back to my face. Grrrr grrrr~ *grumble*
So without having Bapao or Cake, we went home =( one bad day. *sigh*
April 18th, 2010 (still counted as today 14 minutes ago -.-)
Waking up at 3 PM. So piggy. Then ate instan noodle (again). Well I was thinking of having a lunch that's why I just ate instan noodle. But apparently, me and my guy were just too busy with each other's laptop so we didn't have lunch. Great isn't it? ~_~
At 6 PM got text message from his gayfriend. *ups* My boy's bestfriend LOL (called as bro to ease the reading and writing progress :D). Asking whether we want to join he and his girlfriend (called as sis for the rest of the story) to eat Medan Cuisine at Mall Taman Anggek. I just want to scream when read that message. When can I get my western dining aaaaargggggghhhhh!!!!!!! Medan Cuisine is Chinese Food AGAIN. Yesterday I was just having big fight with my guy because of stupid Chinese Food. So I said I don't want to join them unless they had another choices. I was thinking about Pancake Pancious but bro said Pancious won't make he full. Ah guy.. But I was so hungry too. When he said it's not gonna fulfill the tummy well then ya follow them to eat the Medan Cuisine then.
The restaurant named Jala-Jala. It's located on very ground floor on Mall Taman Anggrek between Ta Wan and Hero store. The restaurant has good service. But it's kinda little annoying and confusing where the waiters keep coming and asking whether you want this choices of DimSum or not. Then we choose. Then the other came back with another choices. Omg~ so hard for us to concentrate on the menu --'
We have a Medan friend who recommend this restaurant to bro. He texted bro the recommended menu in that restaurant and it's all made of shrimp. LOL.
Our first choice is Leng Hong Kien. Leng Hong Kien is a Shrimp with Mayonaise. I don't know how this one cooked but we all agree that this is the most delicious menu of the night :p
Second Dim Sum is Shrimp Balls.
Apparently is the same with Leng Hong Kien but Shrimp Balls is fried with some kind of flour while Leng Hong Kien is not. This is the picture of Shrimp Balls after being cut with scissor by the waitress o.O
Next we had Ha Kao. This is also made of shrimp (again). But this one's covered with dumpling skins. We ordered this one 2 portion. I don't know why. Bro did the ordering.
Next again, me and sis having Corn and Crab Soup. While our boys just stealing from us the girls. This one got bad review from me. It's not saltyyyy. Not salty at all even can be said as plain. So I asked the waitress for salty Soy Sauce. Good thing it really changed how it taste totally :)
Then we came to the main menu. Bro's ordering Peking Duck Rice. (I forgot to take the pic!!!!!!!!!) Sis still eating the soup. Me and my boy were having rice with Garlic Pachoi and Beef Hotplate.(ah my salty soy sauce is on the photos also LOL. Photos taken by my boy :D)
Then at the middle of us eating, the last DimSum showed up. I even forgot that I've ordered those hehe.. That's Xiao Long Bao. A dumpling with unique technique of eating. First you bite the dumpling skin. Suck the liquid inside. Then put some ginger. Voila~! Eat the Bao. But just skip the ginger part. I hate how it tastes when you eat plainly like that.
Ah.. feeling so full. In a good way though. It's not disappointing dinner that I had last night. Though I still want Western Food ~_~ But this Chinese Food could make me smile. Good Medan friend recommend this LOL. I've thought of having dessert on Pancake Pancious. So I don't order any dessert from Jala-Jala. A waitress asked whether we want to have Durian Pancake or not. Sounds interesting and looked interesting. But no. Still on the track. Pancios. Sis did ordered dessert on Jala-Jala. She ordered Jelly. Colorful one and made us laugh when cutting them. Seriously one of them was so elastic or chewy that's just so 'boing boing' when you cut them. Probably because they had Nata de Coco inside.
After that we paid then directly headed to Pancake Pancious before it's closed x_x When my boy asked how much was our payment. Sis refused to be paid. She said it's her birthday treat. (but all paid by bro though haha..) Happy birthday and thank you sis ^_^ (PS: her birthday has passed more than a week :p)
At Pancious, I ordered single Mango Pancake topped with Vanilla Ice Cream.
While sis ordered Premium Tea Alexandria. She said it tastes like Pepsodent. LOL. It did smell like Pepsodent though haha...
But the glass to serve the tea is UBERCUTE!!! I must have that glass for my future house!!! Love it!!!! x)
Yay.. that's the end of food journey for the weekend :)
God it takes an hour and half to finish this post @_@ but it's a fun day I had today. Hope all of you have a great day also. Good night people :)
Special thanks to: my boy, bro and sis who's super excited to remind me to take picture ♥ :p
Chinese Food,
Sour Sally
April 16, 2010
Predator's Day!
Not a public holiday of course haha.. Today I just felt being such a little monstrous predator. So many things've been eaten by me.
Waking up in the morning I ate instan noodle with Oxtail Soup flavor. I know that wouldn't fullfil my tummy well that's why I ate it. I've made a so-called-date with my bestest girlfriend. (she's sometimes been misunderstood as my lesbian LOL) and I don't want my tummy to be full and cannot accept other food, well so I ate the noodle at 10 AM. Then at 12 PM she called me to join her eating Nasi Padang at campus. That doesn't look so tempting that's why I didn't take a picture of it :p though it tastes like little heaveeennn with Ayam Goreng Bumbu, daun Singkong, green pepper sambal, and its signature vegetables. (go Google those things written in Indonesia. You'll find tasty food :p)
After eating lunch, then we go dating haha.. We ate our dessert which is cakes at Imperial Cakery Lippo Karawaci. It's located above TIMES Bookstore UPH. Not so many people know about it because of lack promotion. Though it has another branch which is more popular at Supermal Karawaci.
Um additional information. For me, Imperial Cakery is not a place that worth to have propel meal and the bakery doesn't have good bread. But I trully recommend the cakes. My friend once tried Green Tea Slice Cake (which wasn't available when I was there =.=) and he said that's the best Green Tea Cake he ever tasted. He's a pâtissier himself. So I believe on him though I haven't tried yet :)
Here's the picture of our cakes :D
They are Chocolate Truffle Slice Cake and Tiramisu.
Zoomed version:
1. Chocolate Truffle Slice Cake
This was eaten by my friend. She doesn't even give me to try LOL. Kidding.. I was just too busy with my Tiramisu. This Chocolate Truffle Cake, as you can see from the picture, made of very thick chocolate cream and less sponge cake. Half eaten by her she can't stop saying delicious. But after going to the end of the cake, she realized that cake is way too sweet and she's getting quite full. That small cake is really good at making tummy feels full. But as she reviewed to me, the truffle powder is great and not bitter or too sweet at all. The thing that is too sweet is the choco cream haha.. Poor her :p
2. Tiramisu
This is my cake. It consists of 4 layers. 2 Cheese cream layers and 2 coffee sponge cake. The last layer in the bottom has a very deep taste of coffee *which I don't like*. But the Cream Cheese is just perfectttttt. With Truffle powder on the top, it's counted as one of my best dessert though. The Cream Cheese part only :p
My Tiramisu costs Rp 21,000.00
Choco Truffle costs Rp 17,500.00
Both of them before taxes and service charge. I have no comment about the price :|
OOT: WTH happen with you blogspot?? I'm going crazy just to post 1 photo WTFWTF!! ~_~ STOP SAVING YOU'RE MOVING MY MOUSE!!!
Kay back to topic. After having proper lunch and dessert at Karawaci, I continued my food journey to Mall Taman Anggrek Jakarta with my boy for dinner. Some unpleasant things happened causing me very bad mood until now. Plus some changes on this Blogspot getting me so mad. So I'm super mad now =D
(actually this is also an excuses why there's no photo below anymore. Sowwwyyy :x)
Anyway we had Pepper Lunch. Me having Juicy Cut Steak as usual, but today plus Spicy Salad Tuna. And this is my first time trying the salad and it is D E L I C I O U S !! With Udon on the bottom, spicy tuna, mayo, lettuce, carrot and some additional I couldn't recognize completed with dry fish topping (like the one on Takoyaki or Okonomiyaki). Shake them all into 1 part and I melted just like a mayooo~ it's delicioussssss!! SO recommended.
After finishing dinner at Pepper Lunch, we went to Sour Sally Frozen Yoghurt to try their new flavour: Sally Candy. It's actually the twist of Stylish Melon Mint with Pinklicious. I don't know why they gave new name but it IS again a delicious one. Man.. my meal today was foodgasm! Love it :)
I ate my Sally Candy on size small and it has 2 toppings. Yeap Sour Sally has a permanent additional topping for all Sally's lover. Small size which usually has 1 topping's been upgraded to 2 toppings. As well as Medium and Large. They become having 3 toppings and 4 toppings. No increasing price or additional charge! Don't you love it? ;)
Anyway that's all I can write for now. Sorry for lacking of photos. Try to make it up on the next post. Dealing with my bad mood time then. See ya~ :)
Waking up in the morning I ate instan noodle with Oxtail Soup flavor. I know that wouldn't fullfil my tummy well that's why I ate it. I've made a so-called-date with my bestest girlfriend. (she's sometimes been misunderstood as my lesbian LOL) and I don't want my tummy to be full and cannot accept other food, well so I ate the noodle at 10 AM. Then at 12 PM she called me to join her eating Nasi Padang at campus. That doesn't look so tempting that's why I didn't take a picture of it :p though it tastes like little heaveeennn with Ayam Goreng Bumbu, daun Singkong, green pepper sambal, and its signature vegetables. (go Google those things written in Indonesia. You'll find tasty food :p)
After eating lunch, then we go dating haha.. We ate our dessert which is cakes at Imperial Cakery Lippo Karawaci. It's located above TIMES Bookstore UPH. Not so many people know about it because of lack promotion. Though it has another branch which is more popular at Supermal Karawaci.
Um additional information. For me, Imperial Cakery is not a place that worth to have propel meal and the bakery doesn't have good bread. But I trully recommend the cakes. My friend once tried Green Tea Slice Cake (which wasn't available when I was there =.=) and he said that's the best Green Tea Cake he ever tasted. He's a pâtissier himself. So I believe on him though I haven't tried yet :)
Here's the picture of our cakes :D
They are Chocolate Truffle Slice Cake and Tiramisu.
Zoomed version:
1. Chocolate Truffle Slice Cake
This was eaten by my friend. She doesn't even give me to try LOL. Kidding.. I was just too busy with my Tiramisu. This Chocolate Truffle Cake, as you can see from the picture, made of very thick chocolate cream and less sponge cake. Half eaten by her she can't stop saying delicious. But after going to the end of the cake, she realized that cake is way too sweet and she's getting quite full. That small cake is really good at making tummy feels full. But as she reviewed to me, the truffle powder is great and not bitter or too sweet at all. The thing that is too sweet is the choco cream haha.. Poor her :p
2. Tiramisu
This is my cake. It consists of 4 layers. 2 Cheese cream layers and 2 coffee sponge cake. The last layer in the bottom has a very deep taste of coffee *which I don't like*. But the Cream Cheese is just perfectttttt. With Truffle powder on the top, it's counted as one of my best dessert though. The Cream Cheese part only :p
My Tiramisu costs Rp 21,000.00
Choco Truffle costs Rp 17,500.00
Both of them before taxes and service charge. I have no comment about the price :|
OOT: WTH happen with you blogspot?? I'm going crazy just to post 1 photo WTFWTF!! ~_~ STOP SAVING YOU'RE MOVING MY MOUSE!!!
Kay back to topic. After having proper lunch and dessert at Karawaci, I continued my food journey to Mall Taman Anggrek Jakarta with my boy for dinner. Some unpleasant things happened causing me very bad mood until now. Plus some changes on this Blogspot getting me so mad. So I'm super mad now =D
(actually this is also an excuses why there's no photo below anymore. Sowwwyyy :x)
Anyway we had Pepper Lunch. Me having Juicy Cut Steak as usual, but today plus Spicy Salad Tuna. And this is my first time trying the salad and it is D E L I C I O U S !! With Udon on the bottom, spicy tuna, mayo, lettuce, carrot and some additional I couldn't recognize completed with dry fish topping (like the one on Takoyaki or Okonomiyaki). Shake them all into 1 part and I melted just like a mayooo~ it's delicioussssss!! SO recommended.
After finishing dinner at Pepper Lunch, we went to Sour Sally Frozen Yoghurt to try their new flavour: Sally Candy. It's actually the twist of Stylish Melon Mint with Pinklicious. I don't know why they gave new name but it IS again a delicious one. Man.. my meal today was foodgasm! Love it :)
I ate my Sally Candy on size small and it has 2 toppings. Yeap Sour Sally has a permanent additional topping for all Sally's lover. Small size which usually has 1 topping's been upgraded to 2 toppings. As well as Medium and Large. They become having 3 toppings and 4 toppings. No increasing price or additional charge! Don't you love it? ;)
Anyway that's all I can write for now. Sorry for lacking of photos. Try to make it up on the next post. Dealing with my bad mood time then. See ya~ :)
Nasi Padang,
Pepper Lunch,
Sour Sally
April 15, 2010
Aheng 138

On Sunday, blogger was having a date with her boyfriend haha.. We were swimming at an apartment located on Tanjung Duren, Jakarta. Before we went there we already ate at home. But somehow the pressure of the water made us get very hungry after 2 hours playing at the pool. So after 2 hours of swimming and taking shower on the apartment, without drying the hair, I asked my boy to take me to a place recommended by my best friend (he stayed longer in Jakarta more than me LOL, however he's 10 years older than me :p)
Well sorry I can't give the exact address because this place is located on the side of a street on Tanjung Duren and it does not have an address. You can just find this place by looking.

The Pork Satay consist of Sweet Satay, Meat Satay, Gut Satay and Skin (?) Satay. I guess they're all made of Pork. So this is not halal and not for Moslems x_x
I was really hungry when the food came until I forgot to take picture of them.
My boy reminded me by saying, "Don't you want to make all your food experience memorable by putting them on to your blog?"
And I said, "Yeah.." *still chewing*
He said again, "You still wanna chew and do not take a picture of them?"
I was like, "OH MY GOD!!" *throw my satay back to the plate*

That's the satays and the Bakut :D
The satays' already messed up --a the right side of the plate which is wider than the left side is the Sweet Satay. That's the one that I will recommend :) the Meat Satay was just average.
The bakut is really delicious. It reminds me of my grandma cooking this for me on my hometown :) can't say more.. just try it :D
This is not expensive. Plus Ice Tea we ordered, we only paid for Rp 45,000.00
Anyway I'm not really into writing mood now.. so catch up with you later :D
April 08, 2010
Mochilla's Review

It's opened at Grand Indonesia on January 31st, 2010, Mochilla bring ice cream to surface again to beat the era of Frozen Yoghurt!! Haha.. I'm over exaggerating it.
Mochilla is a mochi filled with your choices of ice cream. Having only 1 store at Grand Indonesia 3A's floor, not so many people know about this treat. Blogger herself found difficulties in finding the store; but on my defense the navigation is totally blur.
I almost gave up to finding this Mochilla store and was starting to ask the Customer Service then there it is! Located next to the Customer Service --a
My review now. It's YUMMY. Unique in its way.
Eating 1 Mochilla is never enough. The size is so small. It's like your thumb and your forefinger make a circle, tadaaa~ that's the size of 1 Mochilla.
I tried 3 flavour though. Tiramisu, Wild Strawberry and Belgian Chocolate.
Belgian Chocolate was "Just Average"
Wild Strawberry is AMAZING. *do not trust me if you're not a strawberry lover*
And Tiramisu is addictive.
Actually there's nothing special about the ice cream because on my thought, the owner of Mochilla bought the ice cream from Haagen Dazs. Just my thought. Because the ice cream flavor was so familiar on my tongue. But later I don't think so.
The uniqueness of this Mochilla is, when you first bite the mochi, you won't feel anything cold though the mochi contains ice cream. You will feel like eating the ordinary mochi. But then after your teeth pass the mochi skin, there you are.. The super cold ice cream come to your teeth. *beware for those who has sensitive teeth* But for me it came in a delicious way <3 Eating 3 Mochilla costs me Rp 36,000.00 Feels expensive if you expect eating for fulfilling your tummy. But if to pleasure your tongue I guess Mochilla is quite worth it.And there's also discount if you buy 6 Mochilla. You will only be cost Rp 66,000.00 (means one of Mochilla become Rp 11,000.00) Every 2 months there will be special flavor of Mochilla. One of it that I'm interested with is Matcha Daifuku Green Tea (Green Tea Flavored Mochilla with Red Bean filling) But when I went there on April 4th, 2010, I didn't see any of those ><
The special flavor costs Rp 20,000.00 each.
Mochilla also sells Wine Ice Cream. Per scoop costs Rp 20,000.00 *not interested because I'm not really into alcohol stuff and also some other reviews said it’s even below average*
PS: picture's taken from another website since when I went there I didn't take any picture. The waitress standing next to me was so scary.
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